What’s in store for Hands on Hungry in 2024? 

Hands on Hungry Blog by Chairperson Sheryl McKiddie, Food & Nutrition Manager, Tayside Contracts We can’t believe we are three months into another year already, 2023 was a quick year but Hands on Hungry still managed to sink their teeth into meaningful engagements both as a group and with external stakeholders such as ProVeg, Quality […]

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Hands on Hungry Blog by Chairperson Sheryl McKiddie, Food & Nutrition Manager, Tayside Contracts

We can’t believe we are three months into another year already, 2023 was a quick year but Hands on Hungry still managed to sink their teeth into meaningful engagements both as a group and with external stakeholders such as ProVeg, Quality Meat Scotland and the Health & Nutrition Inspection Team. 

The highlights for 2023 were:

  • HNI Q&A Session which I think and hope all that attended found useful and now we plan to make this a regular thing I think it will be beneficial to how we move forward in terms of working in partnership with the HNI team. 
  • Bringing together 2 sub-groups to pull together a HNI Catering Guide to support our catering colleagues in knowing what to expect when they are being inspected and some using hints and tips to aid them along the way so watch this space for this coming out!
  • Forecasting session with Brakes, Green Gourmet & Quorn – Forecasting volumes and managing the timescales with menu changes is always a challenge so this session allowed our members to ask the nitty gritty on what the suppliers and manufacturers expectations are and where we go moving forward. I for one have welcomed this new knowledge and know my team will find the supporting tools provided of great benefit!
  • Hot topics of the year has definitely been HNI & Adapted Menus/Special Dietary Requirements. 
  • Quarterly Meetings – Our meetings have been well attended with great discussion and sharing of problems as well as solutions. Our guest speakers in 2023 included:
  • Quality Meat Scotland
  • ProVeg
  • HNI Team


Priorities for 2024:

  • Continue sharing best practices
  • Continue work with national menu template
  • Continue work with HNI Inspections
  • Feed into specialist menus group and help establish best practise guidelines for all